It is often thought that e-waste is a special type of waste that should NOT be treated as other types of waste. Others say so because it is valuable to them, others because they understand that it could harm the environment and others because they were advised so. We totally agree that e-waste or electronic waste if you like, is very toxic once you do not handle it properly or with caution. For example, follow the story below: AN OLD CRT TV IN SINAH'S HOUSE Sinah had an old CRT TV in her house, it was a wedding gift from her best friend in 1983 when she got married to the love of her life Mboi. She kept the TV as the most precious thing in her sitting room up until the flat screen TVs were introduced. This sadly meant that the old, black and white TV was overtaken by technology. Sinah being one who enjoys advancing with the times, she bought a new TV but kept the old one on the side of the room for her grand children to play with. What she did not realize was that he...